In Makhaza in Khayelitsha, Vivian N Mthwesi runs, together with her family, a preschool for 40-70 children in ages 1-6 years old. The dream for Vivian and her family is to develop the school towards sustainability.
In Khayelitsha alone, there are more than 400 preschools for Grade R, and only 50 of them get financial support from the government. That means that more than 350 preschools for 6 year old kids in Khayelitsha is without support. If you also take into account the remainder of the preschools, for the lower ages (0-5 years), the number is drastically higher.
Xola Educare
In 2008 Vivian N Mthwesi opened up her home, at first for only 7-9 children. By the end of the same year, the number had reached 45 children, and for many of the following years Xola Educare accommodated more than 100 kids! Because of the small size of the accommodation, along with pressure from governmental institutions, Xola is currently only allowed to facilitate a maximum of 32 children, but the actual number of children varies.
Non Profit Organisations do what the government fails to do. Preschools do not reach the governmental standard or requirements, which tell us that support and guidance are needed. CTO becomes a middleman between the preschool and the government, where CTO functions as a supportive and educating organ for the school. Together with Xola we can work to meet requirements and to be able to maintain it's operations and develop self sustainability through it’s own business model.
CTO wants to see a continuous solution. In order for Xola to be self sustainable and independent, a great organisational structure and a functioning business model is vital. Our support mainly consists of education and team building and mentorship in governance, bookkeeping and administration. We also give financial support, support for personal development and mental growth, business management and facilitation.
By eliminating the stress of economic survival, which CTO currently does by supporting Xola with food for the children, focus for Xola can instead be on economic stability, which will result in independence and long-term sustainability.
- Support in narrative reports so that Xola can keep their registration as a NPO in South Africa.
- Financial support.
- Research in purchase of land, research in school building, drawings, contact with government etc.
- Support and renovations of the school after serious fire.
- Workshop and team building.
- Excursions with other Change Agents with the aim to gain personal development and good leadership.
- Xola have opened up their bank account and parents have started to pay school fees via the account(!)
- Administration officer has been identified.
- Mentor in book keeping has been identified.
- Investment in Xola's business model.
Our aim is to fundraise ca 500 000 SEK for further development of Xola Educare for 2018! The amount would include teaching education for Xola's teachers and education in economics, governance skills and education for the principal. It also includes team building and individual support, for example by arranging counselling for the teachers and the leaders of the school.
We will also give further guidance in the development of Xola's business model and the income of the school, by providing mentorship and financial support.
THe dream of a schoolbuilding
Although CTO focuses primarily on the foundation of an organisational structure, we do also still believe in the importance of a physical structure in order to create a safe and creative environment for the little ones. When the organisational foundations for Xola Educare have been set up and the time comes, we see ourselves together with other organisations as funders of a school building for Xola Educare.
Sara Lunneryd & Anne Lundhøj Jensen, Lunneryd Arkitekter
Thanks to our partner, the architectural firm Lunneryd Arkitekter, the plans for a building are already well on the way. Together we are looking forward to picking up these plans in the near future, in order to make the dream of a school building come true.
“Good architecture should always focus on the social aspect and should improve and make a difference in people’s lives. We see this project as a unique opportunity to assist people who would never be able to afford an architect. And we see it also as a task where the goal is to benefit as much as possible from the limited resources available. Our primary mission is to create the best possible surroundings for the children’s development and for the teachers educating them. In addition, we want to create a building that in the future can serve as a role model for other preschools and schools in the community”.
Photo: Eva Paulsen
Photo: Eva Paulsen